Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting Organized - Baby Steps

I am not an organized person by nature. I am a wait until company is coming over to clean my house person. I used to say if it weren't for visitors, I would never have a clean house. I tend to clean only the minimum amount. However, I do realize that being more organized would make many aspects of my life easier and less stressful. Isn't that what changing my life is about? So clearly this is an aspect of my life I need to change. I started my changes this week. I did not just dump the mail on the kitchen table, to pile up until I can't see over it. I have sorted and tossed junk mail and filed bills in a to be paid folder each day this week. I am also cleaning in small sections, yesterday dishes, today laundry, tomorrow garbage; you get the idea. Baby Steps. Today I am getting organized.

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